Friday 17 October 2014

Today we are going to write about something very interesting.
It has been hard to choose because I am often reading more than one thing at the time.  I read the newspaper, academic papers, stuff on meditation, essays, my students' blogs, etc. 
I started reading about the brain some years back when I studied language acquisition and education = learning processes.
However, later I decided to read beyond linguistics and education, and bought a really interesting book called “Mind map” The book I am devoting most time to at the moment is called “The emotional life of your brain” It is written by a neuroscientist (R. J. Davidson) and a health and science journalist (S. Begley).  I suppose I am reading it out of pleasure. The book is about different research done on the human brain and the different emotional styles, how genetics and environment influence them and how they develop. It also includes  the mind – body connection. Although I have onlt read about 80 pages, I'm really enjoying seeing how certain personality traits can be linked to certain hormones released in certain areas of the brain and some of these processes could be modified if there is will. It is  fascinating.. Chemical processes were never thing at school but now it is fun. It also touches “abnormal “ conditions such as autism, which I find interesting.
I think I am enjoying it because there is no pressure involved. I just read a while before I go to sleep or during the day if I have the time.

Write about something you are reading at the moment.
What it is called
Which genre it is ( novel, academics, manga, newspaper, blog, etc)
Whether you are enjoying it
What it is about
Include anything else you find relevant.

Here is a link if you are interested in your brain

Write a minimum of 220 words and 4 comments on different class blogs.


  1. In pedagogy, teachers use to pay attention of this topics, I think it is very interesting, but I believe that pedagogy practice, classroom experiences, are essentials for common life <3 cheers!!

  2. wow miss, you read a lot, must be exhaust.

  3. Hi miss!
    You are reading a book very complicated for me, maybe someday I understand any thing about neuroscience.
